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Meet Aubrey

Aubrey, is the only freshman girl on the build side. She is in two, that’s right, TWO departments. Scouting and Electromatics. Aubrey has been with Wildcat Robotics for almost four years! She spent three years on our FLL team, the MindSweepers, and starting her first year on Breakaway. “Moving up to Breakaway seemed like the next logical step.”

Aubrey and teammate, Parker, operating their FLL team's robot

Rising Anticipation

Her favorite memory was last year at FLL state, her last year on the FLL team, MindSweepers. “The way they do the awards, ... the last award is for the team that gets to go to FLL Worlds. So we are sitting through the whole ceremony, just waiting for them to call our name. They’re two teams left, two awards left. And they call a team that’s not us. And so we’re just sitting there in the audience, trying not to explode, because we know what’s coming.”

Aubrey tries her best to give everything she can to help the team move forward. She doesn’t exactly know what she’s gotten herself into yet. “I haven’t worked with anything but LEGOs in a long time.” She also drove our second robot at our off season event, Ozark Mountain Brawl. She says that’s her greatest accomplishment so far.

Wise Words

Some wise words from Aubrey, our only freshman girl on build, “Realize what you’re apart of before it’s gone. This entire program has morphed into something huge after only eight years. We’re a 30 some odd team that’s been to World’s five times and that’s a very special thing. I’m glad to be apart of it.”

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