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Week 2 Robotics Shop Update and FLL at State

At the Shop

With another week of prototyping behind us, we are seeing our robot come to life. We have focused in on several prototypes we are now moving on to phase two as well as be-ginning the creation phase of several subsystems in our 3D CAD software Solidworks. We have decided on a two stage elevator lift with a multi-functional intake for the cubes. The robot will be able to climb as well as help our partners earn the climb bonus. We are still currently working through multiple prototypes that our partners will use to climb, how-ever, I believe we are getting closer and closer to what will work best with our strategy. In phase two, we begin to construct our systems out of metal. The first items to test will be the drive train and the two-stage elevator with the intake and hanging system to come. Our goal is by this Saturday to have the first two subsystems up and running. This is a very exciting time for our team. We get to take all the wood, PVC, and LEGO® creations and see if our assumptions and theories are correct. Stay tuned for more!

FLL State Runner-Ups for MindSweepers!

This weekend the MindSweepers competed at the Arkansas FIRST LEGO® League Championships held at the University of Arkansas. After two incredibly tough days, the team earned runner-up in the state! What a great accomplishment. Our robot finished in 14th in robot performance. The team competed so well in all four areas of the competition: Core Values, Robot Design, Project, Robot Performance. Because of their runner-up performance, the team has been invited to compete at the Razorback Invitational which is a competition with teams from around the world. Way to go MindSweepers!

MindSweepers 2017-2018

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